Expat & Co
insurance as colourful as you are
Let’s be honest: insurance can be boring. Nobody really reads the fine print, instead we tend to trust our broker to present us with the most appropriate products. So how to go about launching a brand-new range of specialist insurance products to a global audience?
With a niche market to break into and a groundbreaking new insurance model to promote, “insurance as colourful as you are” formed the basis for our new corporate identity and line of communication. A friendly and familial tone of voice helped shape an attractive commercial product that can stand its own in a world of complex social security systems and multilateral health care agreements.
Easy to understand modules and colourful graphics ensure maximum readability in a product that is as adaptable as a Rubik’s Cube. In fact, thanks to their trademarked Chameleon Principle and unique set of insurance products, this SME has comfortably grown from S to M in a few short years. What started out as a request for a few brochures has grown into long-term collaboration that continues to this day.
corporate storyline /// baseline /// concept design /// copywriting /// original online & print content /// graphic design /// conference materials /// social media strategy ///